100 word challenge

Velcome to the Post of zee hundred vorld challenge.

Today I am going to complete the 100 world challenge with my friend the Count.(Get it?) Well, here I go!

Lucy is a little girl in Kenya with  8 brothers who all go to school, but poor Lucy can’t because she has polio in one leg and cannot straighten it. She wishes she could go to school but her polio affected leg cannot be straightened and she can’t walk. There are around 57 million people that cannot go to school and 24 million out of 57 are disabled.


Vun, two, three……….. ninety nine, Vun Hundred!

Vinally! Poof! Is that a bat flying off? Whatever, Bye Bye!

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Another great post Eden.
    I like your Count impersonation.
    This is a very important issue and I hope that we can all do something to help support children around the world to receive an education.
    Thanks for writing about Lucy!
    Mrs Gridley 🙂


  2. Hey Eden!
    I enjoyed your theme of the count or the vampire from seseame street.
    I also agree that it is an important issue that children all around the world have an education.
    from Stephanie


  3. Hi Steph,
    Just so you know, it’s not actually from Seseame Street. It is just an impression of a Vampire.


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